If you’ve just graduated, moved to a new town, or got fired from your last job, you probably need to find work as soon as possible. Job hunting can take from a few days to about a month, depending on the companies you want to work for. Some of them have a slow hiring process, and there isn’t much that you can do about that.
What you can do is speed up the process on your end by taking all the necessary steps for overcoming job search hurdles and improving your chances of landing the job.
To help you get hired as quickly as possible, we present you with six essential tips:
- Decide what you want
- Update your resume
- Track and follow up
- Network
- Prepare for an interview
- Don’t settle
Decide What You Want
The first step is determining what kind of job you’re looking for. Plenty of people jump straight into digging through job ads without establishing the crucial aspects of what they want to do. You should jot down what your ideal job should be, focusing on the specific title, salary, location, workflow, company culture, etc.
When you have a clear idea of what you’re looking for, you can go through different job boards and social media channels and compare your list to what the companies offer and require.
Update Your Resume
Before you start emailing the companies you want to work for, you need to update and polish your resume. You should ensure that all the information is up to date and check for any inaccuracies and misspellings. The resume needs to look professional and reflect your career goals.
While some companies have people that go through each resume, others use applicant tracking systems to screen them quickly. This means that you need to focus on specific keywords that each company is looking for. The most important keywords revolve around your hard and soft skills.
Track and Follow Up
You should make the job search process easier by keeping track of all the companies you apply to. Create an Excel sheet with categories such as:
- Company
- Job title
- Ad link
- Contact
- Date applied
The last section is important because you need to pay attention to how much time has passed since you’ve sent your job application. If it’s been more than 10 days, you should follow up with a second email. Some companies will appreciate your interest and persistence. Those that don’t usually highlight it in the ad, so pay attention.
Aside from sending job applications, you should tap into your personal and business networks. Get in touch with anyone who might be able to help you. Check with your friends and old colleagues to see if they can provide insight into a company you’d like to work for or even write you a professional recommendation.
Go to LinkedIn and look for relevant groups to join where you can find professionals that can give you valuable advice and help you land a job faster. You can also use LinkedIn as a way to let recruiters know you’re looking for specific jobs. Go to the Career Interests section and set up the kind of work you’re after.
Prepare for an Interview
Interviews can be less daunting if you prepare for them properly. Look up the most common interview questions and come up with answers to them. One of the best ideas is to record yourself so that you can hear what you sound like and know what you should work on. If you’ve got a friend that’s willing to lend a hand, you can have a mock interview.
Keep in mind that some companies conduct phone interviews, so you should prepare for that option as well.
Don’t Settle
While you might be looking for work urgently, you shouldn’t settle for whatever comes your way. If a job isn’t what you’re looking for or you’re not the best fit for the role, you’re likely to be searching for a new one in a matter of months.
If you need the money, you might want to consider temporary work or turning a hobby into a side gig. This way, you’ll give yourself more time to find the job that’s right for you.
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