
5 Ways To Get Noticed by Recruiters

Finding a new job can be tough with the fierce competition you need to think about. Depending on your field, there are probably hundreds of applicants for the job you’re after, each with a unique set of skills and previous work experience. 

This is why you can’t just sit back and wait to be discovered. You need to take active steps that will get recruiters to notice you and determine that you’ve got what it takes to fill up the job position.

Here are some actions that you can take to put yourself on the recruiters’ radar.

Build a Strong LinkedIn Profile

When it comes to getting noticed by recruiters, first impressions are crucial. One of your primary assets is your LinkedIn profile. You need to fill up all the sections on your profile and keep them up to date. Write a compelling summary and make sure to include skills, education, languages, and previous jobs. Your profile also needs a professional photo that presents you in your best light.

You can reach out to a former co-worker and ask for a professional recommendation. Let recruiters know that you’re looking for new opportunities by setting up job alerts for specific criteria. This way, you’ll make your profile more searchable.

Optimize Your Resume

If you want to come up as the right match for a particular job opening, you need to optimize and maintain your resume. You need to focus on keywords that emphasize your skills and experience. This includes hard and soft skills, languages you speak fluently, the software you’re experienced with, etc. 

Recruiters check resumes for keywords that are relevant to the company they work for. They might also use applicant tracking software to scan for specific keywords and eliminate resumes that don’t contain them. 

Reach Out to Recruiters Directly

Instead of waiting to be found, you can take the initiative and reach out to recruiters directly. Do your research on the companies you’d like to work for and compile a list. Look up the businesses on LinkedIn and get in touch with their recruiters. Send them a clear and compelling message about yourself where you highlight your skills and interests.

You can take your efforts a step further by meeting the recruiters in person at job fairs. Find a local job fair where you know that your target company’s recruiters will be, dress to impress in line with your field, and carry a few copies of your resume. If you’ve got a business card, all the better.

Leverage Your Social Media Profiles

Social media channels can be the perfect place to network with the right people. Join groups, get in touch with their members, and share content that is relevant to your field. By building a strong social media presence this way, chances are that you’ll catch the eye of recruiters or other people that can get you closer to landing the job you want.

Never Give Up

Whether it takes a while for recruiters to reach out to you or you get rejected for a job role you’ve been excited about, you must never give up. Keep looking for new opportunities and stay focused on your goal. The more effort you put into your job search, the better your chances of a recruiter noticing you and inviting you for an interview are.

If you want to learn more about the trials and tribulations of finding a new job, you can check out:


Why “Pay Your Dues” Is Not Good Career Advice

For a long time, people have believed that they need to “pay their dues” to have a successful career. The idea is based on spending as much time as possible working for a company and doing various tasks that aren’t a part of your job role while hoping to get noticed and move up the ranks.

Some of the duties that people perform in line with this idea include organizing the storage, photocopying documents, getting packages from the post office, and even making coffee for higher-ranking colleagues.

One can imagine the bitter disappointment when people realize these efforts rarely contribute to their professional development.

Time Spent in a Company Is Not a Practical Metric

The concept of working as long as you can for a company to be able to progress has become outdated. In plenty of organizations, you no longer have to struggle to get a degree, get hired for a lower-ranking role, and work for years before you can move up the ladder. You have the opportunity to establish yourself as an expert and prove what you can do.

How long you’ve been working for an organization doesn’t necessarily reflect on your professional growth. If you’re working for a company to get enough years of experience so that you can apply for another job, you’re probably wasting your time and aiming for a business that doesn’t value your personal advancement.

Paying Your Dues Doesn’t Help You Grow

While most people work to make a living, you’re probably trying to build a meaningful career as well. Accommodating higher-ranking co-workers by performing menial tasks isn’t going to get you there. You should be doing your job to gain knowledge and develop your skills so that you can make progress in the industry.

You need to own your career and take proactive steps to move up the ladder. If there’s a big project that you can contribute to, make it known that you want to take it on. Grow by facing new challenges and building strong relationships in your professional network. Talk to your boss about it and see if you’re on the same page.

Work for a Company That Values Your Professional Growth

It’s crucial to find a company that is invested in your growth instead of getting the most out of what you can do and adding a variety of tedious tasks on top. If you realize that you and your boss don’t see eye to eye when it comes to your career goals, you should move on. The organization you want to work for should acknowledge your skills and help you reach your full potential.

You need to be the driving force that pushes your career forward. Instead of paying your dues and hoping that everything goes well, find a job where you can put your skills to use, develop them, and learn new ones. 

If you want to read more about work-related issues, check out these articles:


7 Small Changes That Can Help You Love Your Job

Plenty of people feel like they’re stuck doing jobs that they aren’t happy with. Many of them are stressed because of the responsibilities that their role carries. Others love the work but feel like they don’t belong in their workplace. 

There’s a variety of factors that can make you unsatisfied with your job. If you don’t want to switch companies or you’re not in the position to do so, here are some small changes that you can apply to help you start loving your current job more:

  1. Don’t obsess over negatives
  2. Try working from home
  3. Determine what you’re good at
  4. Find out what’s bothering you
  5. Discuss with your boss
  6. Change your work hours
  7. Make a friend at work

Don’t Obsess Over Negatives

Don’t spend your time dwelling on what stresses you about your work. Negative thoughts are like a black hole—the more you think, the worse you’re going to feel. If you find yourself thinking about a negative event, let it replay in your mind, identify what you can learn from it, and move on.

Try Working From Home

Plenty of companies have determined that allowing their employees to work from home one day a week boosts their productivity and makes them enjoy the job more. It gives employees more autonomy while enabling them to connect with their co-workers during the rest of the workweek. Talk to your manager and see if this can be an option for you.

Determine What You’re Good At

It’s common for people to give more weight to the negative events in their lives and take the good ones for granted. You should try spending a few minutes at the end of every week to identify what you’re good at. Focus on your accomplishments, and they might make you feel better about your job and yourself.

Find Out What’s Bothering You

If your job is stressing you out, it would be a good idea to stop and think about what the problem is. Instead of generalizing the issue, try to identify particular culprits. This way, you can come up with strategies on how to deal with them. Some can be avoided, while others might require making certain changes.

Talk to Your Boss

Is your boss a lenient and trustworthy guy that you feel like you can talk to? If you’re having an issue with your job, ask them for a meeting and see if you can find a resolution together. Keep in mind that you have to present them with concrete issues and provide suggestions on how you would approach them. 

Change Your Work Hours

See if changing your daily work routine can affect the way you feel about your job. Maybe a bit more sleep or a chance to avoid traffic when going to work can make a difference. If you can start working earlier and have more time to go for a walk or to the gym after work, your daily routine can make you be more satisfied with your job.

Make a Friend

Are there colleagues at work that could be your friends? It’s beneficial to have someone in the workplace that you can talk to and share your issues and thoughts with. They can help you lighten the mood and look at the job from a different perspective. It’s easier to face different work hurdles with someone you can trust.

While these changes might be relatively small, they can affect your attitude towards your job in various ways. Try applying them and see if you can start loving your job instead of feeling like it’s a burden.

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5 Lucrative Occupations for People With Associate Degrees

Due to student loan debts growing higher than ever, plenty of people have determined that it’s better to get an associate degree than to attend an expensive four-year program for becoming a B.A. 

Looking at the job market, we can determine that this decision makes sense because it’s supported by plenty of companies. You can find a variety of jobs that require an associate degree and pay extremely well. Here are some of the most lucrative occupations that you should consider if you don’t want to invest in four-year studies:

  1. Air traffic controller
  2. Web developer
  3. Dental hygienist
  4. Computer network specialist
  5. Radiologic technologist

Air Traffic Controller

Working as an Air Traffic Controller is one of the best-paid associate degree jobs you can find. Your job will be to ensure the safety of each flight by directing air traffic. You will be responsible for providing pilots with instructions during landing and takeoff, and making sure that they’re informed about weather conditions constantly during the flight. You will also manage any ground traffic happening around runways. 

Web Developer

Instead of creating separate teams for client-side and server-side tasks, more and more companies are hiring full-stack web developers for handling all aspects of websites and applications. This includes handling the foundation via the back end and creating the perfect user experience via the front end. When it comes to this position, most companies are more interested in what you can do than what kind of degree you’ve got.

Dental Hygienist

The job of a dental hygienist is to check for oral health conditions, perform basic dental cleaning, and provide different types of preventive healthcare. While you only need an associate degree for this position, you will have to take up about three years of studies and training. A dental hygienist needs to be a licensed practitioner in a particular state, but it’s worth it considering that you’ll be doing one of the best-paid jobs with your associate degree.

Computer Network Specialist

Working as a computer networking specialist, your job will be to establish and maintain a company’s wide and local computer networks. You’ll set up operating systems, install and update software, and maintain crucial security practices. When it comes to career advancement, computer network specialists usually become network security professionals or computer network architects. While some people get bachelor degrees to advance, experience and proficiency are generally much more important factors for being promoted to higher-ranking positions.

Radiologic Technologist

A radiologic technologist—or radiographer—is one of the best-paid job positions in the healthcare industry. When signing up for this position, you will be trained to handle X-rays to diagnose patients. Your responsibilities will most likely be to help patients prepare for the procedure and work with the X-ray imaging equipment. You might also be assigned to analyze the results and maintain patient records.

While you can get hired for these jobs with an associate degree, keep in mind that they’re not easy to do. They all require a certain amount of technical proficiency and the ability to remain highly focused throughout the workday. For some of them, you’ll need to take up additional studies and training.

Want to read more about in-demand jobs and job-related issues? Check out these articles:


The Language of a Successful Interview

For most people, job interviews are stressful endeavors. To alleviate the anxiety of presenting your qualifications while your every word is being evaluated, you can prepare for your next interview in a variety of ways. 

Aside from analyzing the job ad, researching the company, having a mock interview with a friend, and making a list of your relevant skills and experiences, you need to focus on the kind of language you use. The way you communicate during the interview can affect the outcome significantly.

Let’s take a look at how you can use your language skills to leave a strong impression on your interviewer and increase the chances of landing the job.

  1. Start with a warm introduction
  2. Be as informative as possible
  3. Describe essential details
  4. Sell yourself

Start With a Warm Introduction

Since first impressions are crucial, the way you walk into the room and introduce yourself matters as much as everything that you say afterwards. You need to show confidence both in terms of words and body language. 

Make sure to shake everyone’s hand, look them in the eyes, repeat their names as they are introduced, and smile. Pay attention to how professional their demeanor is during the interview and follow their lead.

Be As Informative As Possible

A large part of the interview will revolve around you presenting yourself as the best fit for the job. You’ll be talking about your education, work history, and relevant skills that you’ve gained.

When talking about yourself, you need to be as informative as you can. Focus on specific details and present them concisely so that the interviewer can get a clear picture of who you are both personally and professionally. Discuss your previous work experiences as if you’re stating facts. While confidence is crucial, it doesn’t mean that you should brag about how capable you are.

Describe Essential Details

When talking about particular skills and experiences, you need to describe the most important details. You should present them as if you’re telling an engaging story. If you merely list what the interviewer can read in your resume, it won’t get you anywhere. 

You should support each skill that you’re discussing with a background story. It’s crucial to elaborate on the way you gained those skills and how you’ve used them to solve concrete problems. The more descriptive you are, the more you’ll be able to bring your story closer to the interviewer and enable them to see how the company can benefit from your expertise.

Sell Yourself

While you’re describing your qualifications, you mustn’t forget that everything you say has the goal to sell your best pitch to the interviewer. Your every description of a skill or experience should include persuasive statements that underline how what you’re saying makes you the best candidate for the job. 

To make your story as persuasive as possible you should show your interest in the company’s goals and vision. Let your descriptions paint a picture of how well you would fit into the organization’s culture. If the interviewer asks you how you would solve a particular problem, provide an enthusiastic answer, and show them that you’re eager to take on different kinds of projects. 

You need to remain positive throughout the interview and leave the interviewer with an impression that you’re excited about the opportunity you’ve been given.

Are you interested in reading more articles about interviews and job hunting? Check out:


How to Handle a Career Setback

While facing a career setback can be overwhelming, it’s neither unexpected nor is it the end of the world. Most people’s careers go through such a phase at least once. 

When it comes to career setbacks, they come in various forms. You can be passed over for a promotion you’ve been waiting for, an important project that you’re responsible for can go awry, or you could get fired from your dream job because of an unexpected situation in the company. It’s normal to feel devastated when that happens, but it’s important to remind yourself that your career isn’t over and that there’s plenty of actions you can take to get it back on track. 

If you’re unsure what to do when your career goes astray, here are a couple of professional pieces of advice.

Face the Situation

In a situation such as a career setback, it’s crucial to remember that denial is your enemy. You need to acknowledge the problem to be able to work on it. It’s okay to find a trustworthy friend or co-worker that can help you get back on your feet, but it’s your career and you’re the one that has to put it back on track.

Take a look at the situation and try to determine what went wrong objectively. Did the incident occur because of a flaw in your performance or did the company decide to take a new direction where you no longer fit in? If you can assess the setback and identify your strengths and weaknesses, you have a foundation for starting anew and not repeating old mistakes.

Build a New Plan

A career setback can be the perfect time for self-reflection and reassessment. If you want to get back on your feet, you mustn’t stop learning and working on your skills. Devote your time to online courses, webinars, and other sources of information that can keep you up to date with what you need to be able to grow and find new opportunities.

Chances are that the career you’ve gotten used to has been keeping you in the comfort zone. There are often multiple ways for you to restart your career that you might not be aware of right away. Spend some time discovering them and building a new plan.

Take Action

When you feel you’re ready, you should start researching potential career opportunities. You can develop your personal brand, reach out to recruitment agencies to help you with your job search, or contact companies that you’re interested in working for directly. 

When it comes to companies, you should research each one, figure out what they’re looking for, and try to build networks where you can find the right people that can help you land the job.

It’s crucial that you don’t see your career setback as a disaster but as a bump along the way. Keep reminding yourself that the situation you’re in is temporary and don’t stop looking for new opportunities.

If you want to read more about job-related issues, check out these articles:


7 Tips on How To Excel As a Startup Employee

  1. Find your vocation

Be Responsible

Startups consist of smaller teams where each employee’s contribution to the organization’s success is crucial. If a single worker doesn’t do their job properly, it is likely to devastate a startup’s operations.  

If you want to work for a startup, you need to embrace responsibility and work hard on your tasks. Chances are that you’ll be the only person in charge of an essential project, making you the sole factor that determines its success. Your boss most often won’t have the time to guide you, so you’ll need to manage your workload, make effective decisions, and own each project that is assigned to you. 

While this may sound daunting, it means that you’ll be in charge of your successful endeavors and move up the ranks quickly if you perform well.

Take On Different Tasks

As an organization that is built from scratch, every startup has plenty of tasks that need to be performed. This means that your job description will most commonly be just the core of your responsibilities. 

Aside from performing the tasks related to your job role, you’ll often have to deal with many others, such as training new workers, following up with clients, updating the calendar with important events, etc. You’ll likely take part in brainstorming sessions and complex discussions about the future of the company.

Sometimes you’ll even have to deal with menial tasks that you might not be particularly happy about. What is important is you never say that it’s not your job to do something. Working for a startup means that you’ll have to roll up your sleeves and get the work done just like everyone else in the company.

Define Your Role

One of the best aspects of not having a strictly defined job role in a startup is that you get to establish it yourself. 

In larger companies, you’re commonly stepping into the shoes of a role that plenty of people have performed before you. The company will expect you to focus on the tasks that have already been defined for your job description and you commonly won’t have to cross the boundaries of your regular duties.

When you start working for a startup, chances are that you’ll be the first person hired for a particular role. Without clear boundaries and with the expectation to perform all kinds of tasks, you can define your job role in a way that fits your preferences and take on different kinds of responsibilities that you’d otherwise not be able to. 

What makes this aspect particularly beneficial is that startups usually don’t care about your role as much as about the quality of your work. 

Develop Ideas

Startups thrive on innovation, so you should contribute with any great ideas that you’ve got. What’s important is that you don’t just share them but also provide practical solutions for how to execute them. 

Instead of listing a bunch of incomplete ideas during a meeting with your team, identify three or four that are the best and take your time to think them through. You’ll pitch them easier when you can answer most of the potential questions and you have a plan that includes specific details such as a timeline and estimated ROI.


Communication is crucial in a startup. Since you’re working in a smaller team, you need to build a strong relationship with everyone. If there are any issues between startup employees, they need to be identified and dealt with as soon as possible. While you might spend a lot of time working on separate projects, you and your co-workers need to communicate about your goals and progress. 

If you’re having trouble with a particular task, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help. Many people avoid asking for advice because they fear that they might come off as incompetent. You don’t have the luxury to improvise solutions that might compromise a project and make the startup lose a lot of money. You’ll find that startup teams are close-knit and if you ask a co-worker to give you a hand, they’re likely to appreciate it.

Understand the Risks

When you decide to work at a startup, you need to understand and be prepared for the potential risks that come with the territory. While startups may be flexible and adaptable, they are also prone to big changes that can come out of nowhere and make or break the organization. 

Some changes can affect various aspects of your job, such as your role, salary, benefits, and compensation package. If the startup is going through a rough patch, your boss may ask you to agree to a temporary salary reduction. If you are optimistic about the company and your future in it, you should consider helping it endure through the hard times.

You need to deal with the possibility that the company can make a wrong move and fall apart when you least expect it. Being a startup employee is both a risky and rewarding endeavor, so you should know what you’re signing up for and do your best to make it work.

Find Your Vocation

The majority of startup employees are fully aware of the risks and prepared to deal with all the chaos that comes with the job. This is because they think that it’s worth it and believe in the company’s vision. 

When looking for a startup you want to work for, it’s crucial to find the one that has a vision you support. If you don’t believe in the organization and your role in it, you’ll have trouble putting in the necessary time and effort. If you want to take part in a promising startup, find the one that you can align your career goals with.

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The Best Time Management Tips for Successful Entrepreneurs

One of the most important business aspects that every entrepreneur needs to figure out is how to manage their time properly. 

While teams may have the benefit of being able to share responsibilities, an entrepreneur has to wear many hats in the company. This includes attending client meetings, executing business strategies, answering emails and phone calls, dealing with various technical issues, communicating with different departments, etc. On top of it all, they need to find a proper work-life balance and find the time to spend with their family and friends.

There’s only so much time during the workday that one has to take care of everything, and it’s impossible to maintain the same level of productivity through it all. Working hard to get as much done as possible isn’t going to cut it—you need to incorporate the best time management strategies into your daily workflow. 

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve compiled a list of the best management tips for successful entrepreneurs to help you out. This includes:

  1. Set up ground rules
  2. Outsource and delegate
  3. Prioritize tasks
  4. Avoid multitasking
  5. Evaluate meetings
  6. Use the “Brain Dump” method
  7. Take breaks
  8. Keep improving your strategy

Set Up Ground Rules

The workday of an entrepreneur is often unpredictable. You never know when an unexpected call, unplanned request for a meeting, or an employee-related problem that requires your attention might come up. The best way to get on top of the uncertainty is to set up ground rules on how much each activity can take from your time. 

You should decide how much time you’re willing to spend on each unplanned activity. This way, you’ll be able to cut down time wasters and stick to your daily schedule. You should also build a culture where all your employees do their best to waste as little time as possible—both yours and theirs.

Outsource and Delegate

Every company’s workflow includes a variety of time-consuming responsibilities that are far from the top of your list of priorities and don’t affect the company’s growth and profits. These non-core tasks are commonly administrative duties that you can outsource to other organizations. Doing so, you’ll be able to focus more time on crucial matters.

When it comes to the workflow in the office, you should determine which tasks will generate optimal results when you perform them, and delegate other assignments to your team members.

Prioritize Tasks

Prioritization is one of the most effective time management practices. You need to determine the most important tasks and perform them during the peak hours of your productivity. 

The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, claims that 20% of what you do accounts for 80% of your successful results. The rest of the activities you perform are more likely to be a waste of time. This is why you should focus on crucial tasks and either delegate others or leave them for later. 

One of the simplest yet most effective techniques for being more productive and saving time is called the Ivy Lee Method. It consists of ending each workday by coming up with a list of no more than six tasks that you’re going to perform tomorrow. You should arrange the tasks you’ve jotted down in line with their priority. Tomorrow, you should start from the most important task and move to others as you progress. If you don’t finish some of the tasks, add them to your list for the following day.

This way, you’ll get rid of the decision fatigue, perform crucial tasks when you’re most productive, and form a continuous workflow that will make getting the job done easier.

Avoid Multitasking

Plenty of people take on multiple tasks at once, thinking that it can help them save time. In practice, multitasking commonly creates the opposite effect. 

It’s harder to focus your attention if you keep switching it between different tasks constantly. Instead of giving each activity the attention it deserves, you’re likely to compromise the quality of the work because you keep resetting your focus. Plenty of great ideas get lost along the way because you keep switching to tasks that require a different mindset.

Evaluate Meetings

The more successful your company is, the more people will reach out to you. When you get invited to meetings, you should ask for an agenda. This way, you can evaluate each meeting and determine whether it suits your business goals. If you realize that it won’t benefit either side, you need to know how to say “No”. In case the meeting could prove to be valuable, but you feel like you’re not prepared for it, schedule it for later so that you don’t waste your time.

You should also organize and determine the priorities for each meeting before holding it. This way, you’ll be able to make the most of the meeting during the time you’ve dedicated to it.

Use the “Brain Dump” Method

According to the famous productivity consultant David Allen, writing down all that you need to do and taking on small tasks right away will stop your mind from getting overwhelmed with too many ideas. This is what he calls the “Brain Dump”. 

When you’ve got a lot of ideas, tasks, and projects that you need to assess, organize, and prioritize, take a piece of paper or open a to-do list app and jot them down. This way, you’ll be able to approach them with a clear head and spend less time working on them.

Take Breaks

While it may sound contradictory to the concept of saving time, taking breaks is crucial for maintaining a productive workflow. If you spend hours working without taking the time to rest your mind, it’ll most often lead to burnout. When that happens, you’ll have to take a break anyway because you won’t be able to focus on the task at hand.

You should take scheduled breaks proactively. Step out of the office and go out for a walk. Walking boosts the blood flow to your brain and helps you to collect your thoughts. This way, you’ll be able to reflect on the task you’ve been doing and come up with fresh ideas when you get back to it. You can also take some time to socialize with your team and improve your motivation.

Keep Improving Your Strategy

An entrepreneur should always be open to learning and improvement. If you’ve got an efficient time management strategy in place, you should keep improving it whenever there is an opportunity. One of the best approaches is to perform regular audits of your time and determine which tasks take you too long to finish or require your attention frequently. Find ways to simplify these tasks or perform them more efficiently.

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5 Professional Tips for Negotiating Like Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is best known as being the business magnate behind Apple, the #1 Big Tech technology company in the world. One of the secrets of his success lies in his exceptional negotiating skills. 

One of the many situations when Steve Jobs showed how skilfully he can negotiate was during the dispute with HarperCollins, one of the largest publishing companies in the industry. 

Apple was in the midst of the deal with HarperCollins and five other big publishing houses to sell eBooks for $12,99, which was more than the price of $9,99 that Amazon was charging. A part of the deal was that Apple gets 30% of the revenue from each sale.

The issues that HarperCollins had was that they wanted the freedom to sell eBooks for a higher price of their choosing and that they weren’t satisfied with the cut Apple was asking for. Apple decided not to budge.

To help you become a skilled negotiator like Steve Jobs, we present you with five professional tips based on his email exchange with HarperCollins.

Show That You’re Ready To Walk Away

Jobs showed the importance of letting the other party know you won’t hesitate to move on if your terms aren’t met. He said that HarperCollins needs Apple more than the other way around. Since Jobs’ company already had other publishers on board, he stated that no matter how valuable the deal with HarperCollins might be to him, he would rather let it fall through than agree to their terms.

Sell the Big Picture

You need to show the big picture behind your terms. Jobs said that Apple was going to be the frontrunner of the eBook revolution. He backed up his claim with facts and numbers, saying that Apple’s iTunes and App Store have over 120 million customers’ credit cards on file and that they’ve sold more than 12 billion products. He ascertained that the company would sell more iPads than Sony or Amazon have sold their eBook readers. 

Wait for the other Party to Make a Compromise

When negotiating your terms, you must never be the first to try to make a compromise. The best approach is to stay silent or restate your conditions, making the other party know that you’re not going to budge. Wait for them to show their weakness and use it against them, driving them to compromise instead.

Jobs refused to negotiate with HarperCollins. He explained his terms again and let the other party negotiate by themselves. As soon as the other party realized that Jobs wasn’t going to change his mind, they started to offer different terms, hoping that Apple would do the same.

Present All the Existing Options

One of the most common methods for successful negotiation is presenting the other party with all the existing options and ensuring that choosing your terms is seen as the best solution. In the email, Jobs let HarperCollins know that they can:

  1. Accept the terms that Apple had presented them with
  2. Stay with Amazon as the only distributor and sell their eBooks at the lower price of $9,99, which would devalue HarperCollins’ products and lower the publisher’s margins
  3. Pull their eBooks from both Apple and Amazon and deal with piracy as a result

While HarperCollins might have had other options that they weren’t aware of at the time, Jobs’ presentation was effective because it made them fear potential losses.

Use Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful negotiating tool because it enables you to make the other party believe that your terms are the best and safest option. People usually don’t want to take big risks. If you can provide them with evidence of what others think about your offer, you’re likely to persuade them to make a deal with you as well. 

Jobs stated that four out of six big publishing companies realized that Apple is the company that can make the largest impact and decided to sign the deal. He added that all the major publishers agreed that Amazon’s price for new eBooks was eroding customer perception.

What Steve Jobs managed to do was negotiate his terms without being rude or pushy in any way. He provided valuable insights, backed up his points with facts, and presented his conditions as the best solution for the other party.

If you negotiate by presenting your case with confidence and letting the other party know that you’ve got plenty of information to back up your every claim, chances are high that you’re going to succeed in getting what you want.

If you want to read more, check out some of our other job-related articles, such as:


7 Ways To Celebrate National Boss Day

While it’s a common practice for companies around the world to organize celebrations for their employees’ birthdays, achievements, and anniversaries, it’s a less frequent occurrence for the staff to do the same for their bosses. 

A holiday known as National Boss Day is celebrated on October 16th in countries such as America, England, Canada, Australia, Romania, and South Africa. The custom dates back to 1958 and has the goal to help build stronger relationships between bosses and employees. This is the time of the year when the staff has an opportunity to show how much they appreciate everything that their supervisors have done for them.

If you and your co-workers are having trouble coming up with good ideas for the upcoming National Boss Day, we have created a list of our favorite solutions to help you out. You can:

  1. Give your boss a gift
  2. Create a paper or digital team card
  3. Organize an award ceremony
  4. Record a thank-you video
  5. Provide inspiration
  6. Decorate the office
  7. Celebrate after work

Give Your Boss a Gift

One of the best ways to show your boss that you appreciate them is to give them a personalized gift. Make sure that all your co-workers have the chance to donate and provide suggestions on what the gift should be. You can organize a poll and see what most of your colleagues think your boss would like.

You should consider what you know about your boss, such as their interests and preferences. If your boss is a coffee drinker, a custom-made mug with an apt picture or message would be an excellent choice. If they’re into art, you can consider getting them a painting or a small statue.

If you want to go for a safer option, you can bake them a cake. Get all the employees that know a thing or two about baking together and come up with a unique cake that your boss will appreciate. Write a personalized message using melted chocolate, and you’re good to go.

Create a Paper or Digital Team Card

Another fantastic way to show your boss that you appreciate them is to get the team together and create a team card. It should suit the boss’ personality and contain a personalized message. It can list some of the boss’ traits and contributions or tell an inside joke that will surely make them laugh. Whichever approach you choose, make sure that all the team members sign the card.

You can choose to make the card in digital form. This way, you can enable your colleagues to express themselves in a variety of creative ways, such as emojis, stickers, and funny GIFs.

Organize an Award Ceremony

Award ceremonies can be fun events for the whole workplace. Take a little break from work and gather everyone around to have a light-hearted ceremony where you award your supervisors with fictitious badges and trophies. Get together with your co-workers and come up with the appropriate awards for each manager.

You should make up a different title for each supervisor. Depending on their personality, you can be humorous or show your appreciation of their role. The badges that your managers get can say something like:

  • Coolest Boss
  • Funniest Supervisor
  • Most Suave Manager

Record a Thank-You Video

Aside from a personalized team card, you can record a video where every team member gets to say a thing or two about why they appreciate your boss’ efforts. Grab an opportunity when it’s just you and your colleagues in the office, get a phone or a camera, and start shooting. Make sure to do this at least a week before, so that you can record a proper video with everyone participating. 

You can send the video via email or upload it to YouTube. Show the video to your boss on October 16th and give them something that they’ll remember fondly in the years to come.

Provide Inspiration

It’s the job of a boss to inspire their workforce to be better at what they do. On National Boss Day, you can switch roles and be the one to provide inspiration to your boss. If you want to get creative, you can collect rocks, put them in a bowl, pass them around the workplace, and let every employee write a motivational message. Give the bowl to your boss to keep it in their office and take out an inspirational rock whenever they feel down.

Decorate the Office

What is a celebration without proper decorations? Talk to an administrator about letting you into the office before the National Boss Day celebrations begin. Use the time you have to decorate the workplace with balloons, streamers, candy jars, and all kinds of signs. 

Celebrate After Work

After you’re done with the day’s workload, the entire staff can go out and have a great time. You can go for a more traditional option and have dinner and a couple of drinks with your bosses and co-workers. This can be a great opportunity for everyone to talk and get to know each other better.

You can also organize a fun team-building activity that your boss likes. See if you can figure out their preferences by talking to your co-workers. If you can’t, you’ll have to ask your boss directly. The activity can be something like:

  • Escape room
  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Rope course
  • Laser tag
  • Office trivia

At the end of the day, it’s important that everyone has fun and that you and your team get to show your boss how much you appreciate everything that they’ve done for you during the time you’ve spent working for them.

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